Whilst not a Tai Chi form or Qi Gong exactly, this is a demonstration of the 5 loosening exercises I was taught to practice before performing the Cheng Man Ching 37 step hand form. Master Huang Xingxiang was a student/disciple of Professor Cheng Man Ching in Taiwan, after fleeing China post World War 2. By the time of his death in December 1992, he had established 40 schools and taught over 10,000 people throughout South East Asia. Huang was considered by some to be the most highly achieved student of Professor Cheng. This is a demonstration by a true master, one to watch and learn from.
Nigel Minchin
Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong practitioner since 2014 and instructor since 2020 (https://spirittaichi.com). Practising the Yang 8 and 24 step hand forms, 32 sword form, Cheng Man-Ch’ing 37 step hand and 54 step sword forms, Chen Old Frame (first routine Lao Jia Yi Lu). Swimming Dragon, Ba Duan Jin and Shibashi Qi Gong forms.
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