This is a beautifully shot video, from several positions and with great lighting. Unlike the Beijing 24 form, there are a dearth of quality demonstrations of the Cheng Man Ching 37 form on Youtube, but this is one of the very best. Some of the camera shots are clearly an homage to the classic recording of the great man himself performing this form in the early 1970s. Especially the shot of the feet only during the cloud hands section. Lee Chan brings a fluidity and softness that is reminiscent of Cheng man Ching himself. The concentration is clear to see, aided by an impenetrable 1000 yard stare. A true moving meditation, with a deep sense of relaxation in the performer body. The music brings a kind of ethereal feel to the performance, accentuating the impression of even flow.


Nigel Minchin

Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong practitioner since 2014 and instructor since 2020 ( Practising the Yang 8 and 24 step hand forms, 32 sword form, Cheng Man-Ch’ing 37 step hand and 54 step sword forms, Chen Old Frame (first routine Lao Jia Yi Lu). Swimming Dragon, Ba Duan Jin and Shibashi Qi Gong forms.

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